The 5th STHG-SHH-FSRCC Joint Symposium
The 5th SHH-STHG-FSRCC Joint Symposium took place on September 11, 2019 in Tokyo General Hospital, Japan. Experts from Shuang Ho Hospital (SHH), Tokyo General Hospital, and Federal Siberian Research Clinical Centre (FSRCC) broadly discussed important advances and latest insights of academic research in Neurosurgery, Spine Surgery, and Cardiology.


A visit to Tokyo General Health and Welfare Center Egota-no-mori, the largest care and welfare center with ten care and welfare facilities in a single Building, was organized.


On the same occasion, a signing ceremony of the Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between FSRCC and STHG was held on September 12 at Southern TOHOKU General Hospital, Koriyama. Three parties devoutly hope to work closely together to foster subsequent collaboration among Taiwan, Russia, and Japan. The 6th joint symposium will be hosted in Krasnoyarsk, Russia in July 2020.


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