Southern TOHOKU General Hospital neurosurgical fellowship program
Southern TOHOKU General Hospital is a member of the World Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS) Foundation to offer fellowship program for young neurosurgeons from around the world since 2015. 


Founded in 1995, WFNS comprises 103 member countries on 5 continents and represents over 3,000 neurosurgeons worldwide.


Up to date, we have received four neurosurgeons from India, Iraq, Pakistan and Yemen. The doctor from Yemen is undertaking fellowship program and will complete in November 2018.


The goal of this program is to provide a multidisciplinary exposure to Neurosurgery and offer an opportunity to delve into further area of study, particularly for young neurosurgeons from developing countries including Iraq and Pakistan. 


Southern TOHOKU General Hospital will continuously collaborate with WFNS to offer neurosurgeons a supportive environment with rich leaning experience.

Dr. Ayman Ali Mohammed Mayas from Yemen 

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