The 1st STHG Medical Partnership Meeting
The First STHG Medical Partnership Meeting was held on Friday, December 1, 2017 in Koriyama, Japan.

The meeting aims to review the current and probable future activities with medical partnerships and consider ways to strengthen working relationship and align future business strategies.

Partners include Essen University Hospital (Germany), Shanghai Punan Hospital of Pudong New District (China), Gadjah Mada University Academic University (Indonesia), College of Management of Taipei Medical University (Taiwan), and TMU-Shuang Ho Hospital (Taiwan) gathering together to share knowledge updates and experience with STHG affiliated hospitals/institutions, containing Southern TOHOKU General Hospital, Southern TOHOKU Proton Therapy Center, Southern TOHOKU BNCT Research Center, Tokyo General Hospital, Shin-Yurigaoka General Hospital, and Tokyo Clinic.

Founder and Chairman of the Board Dr. Kazuo Watanabe appreciated the attendance of MOU partners and looks forward to working together to offer value-added care and welfare to every individual.

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